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15 Mins Work Out for Beginners

While training either you are seasoned workout veterans or a novice there might be a time and place for a low density training sessions. Just do a start up session after a hiatus to decrease the stress of your body, or to boost your higher intensity sessions. The best part about this program is that it will take about 15 minutes to complete it which will brighten your day so no excuses.

This program has 4 components that is core exercises, lower –body exercises, upper- body exercises a conditioning exercises and last but not the least the conditioning exercises which has two exercises. Try to complete each exercises one to the next. It will take 30 seconds which can be done in three schedules. For beginners just make a point to do it in 20 seconds of work out and 10 seconds of rest and then move to the next one. Intermediate persons may do 25 seconds of work out and 5 seconds of rest and for advanced may do for 30 seconds of workout and then move to next exercises. For lower body exercises you may complete one side in seconds than move to the next side. That is you may do one side for 30 seconds and next side for another 30 seconds. As this program is only for 15 minutes you have to complete 3 rounds of 10 exercises in 15 minutes if you want you may do it for more time but don’t forget to maintain a longer schedule accordingly.


Let us start with the basic but effective core exercise in standard push p position. You can also perform the plank with forearms. Just elevate the feet to a bench or a box at 12 to 18 inches you can feel the pressure on your lower abs and oblique.

How to do it

Assume a push up position and see to that your hands are just behind your shoulders and your feet are wider than your hip. Do keep your back arching by pulling your belly towards your ribcage. Your main focus might be to prevent your hips from sagging and your lower back from arching.

Side Plank

Maintain your focus on core to keep the hips in position and low back from arching and your hip fro sagging. Just feel the work taking place in oblique on your underside.

How to do it

Start lying on your side so your elbow is just below your shoulder and your forearm is flat on the floor. Press the floor as you bridge your hips towards the ceiling. See to that your body is straight line from the ears to the ankles and only your forearm and foot should be on the ground.

Single Leg Dumbbell Dead lift

Single leg work is great for balancing out the strength in both the sides of your body so one side is not compensating with the other. There should be the variation on your core and hamstrings and glutes of the standing leg.

How to do it

Holding a pair of dumbbells take a hip width stance and engage your abs to keep your lower back from arching as you lift one foot, keep in your hips level and the weight from shifting. Then bend your hips keep in the back flat as you reach back with the lifted leg. Keep the knee of the standing leg soft and the hips parallel to the ground. Now keep the hip back from rotating to your ceiling. Drive through your standing leg heel as you squeeze the glutes and return to the standing position.
Note: Try to complete all the reps on one side before going to the other leg.

Bear Crawl

Just try to unleash your inner animal with this exercise. It makes a great warm up cool down or connecting exercise depending upon your speed. You might feel the work taking place in your core, shoulders and legs. Keep the crawl slow and control and to increase your heart rate as you work.

How to do it

Start o your hands and knees with your ands under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Now elevate your knees of the ground by pushing through your and toes. Keep the abs engaged and back flat as you reach forward with one and simultaneously bring the opposite knee forward. Now repeat the other side to crawl forward as you focus on keeping your back flat and hips from rotating.

Alternating one arm dumbbell row

 Working only on arm at time forces you to focus on tat arm and building strength and perfecting your form. You should feel the work taking place in the core chest and shoulder of the supporting arm and back.

How to do it

Bend forward at a 45 degree angle holding a dumbbell in each hand using a neutral grip. Keep the lower back from arching and upper back from rounding. Just put your abs engaged s that your body does not move as you row the dumbbell focusing on initiating the row with the upper back muscles pulling the shoulder blade across your back. Keep a wide chest and don’t allow the elbow to pass above the back which would case the shoulder blade to tip forward. Slowly lower the dumbbell and alternate sides for the prescribed time.

Push Up

There are a wide variety of pushes up variations to choose from. If you can’t complete a standard push up without your hips sagging elevate your hands to a bench. On the other hand if the push up is not challenging enough elevate the feet to bench and you should feel the work taking place in the abs chest and the shoulders.

How to do it

First begin with all fours then press up with your hands beneath your shoulders feet and hands supporting your weigh and your abs engaged. Now keep the upper back from rounding. Lower your chest toward the floor so that your elbows are at a degree of 45 angles to bottom position for a second making so your elbows do not extend your body. Keep a wide chest so that it prevents the shoulder blades from tipping forward and explosively push yourself away fro the ground and return back to the top position.

BareBell Hip Thrust

In this exercise you should feel the work taking place in your core and glutes. If you feel that this is too advanced for you ten try a lying glute bridge instead of working with lower impact.
How to do it
With your upper back, shoulders and arms resting on a bench just roll a barbell on your legs so it is on your waist. Now bend your knees so your ankles are just below your knees.
Now keep your abs engaged so your lower back does not arch and then lift your hips to push in to the bar and drive it through your heels and squeeze your glutes as you bridge your hips towards your ceiling (see to that your knees, hips and shoulders are aligned so you look like a table).Now keep your abs engaged so your his don’t rotate especially at the top position. Then lower your hips back to the floor, keep your abs engaged the entire time. Drive through the heels to return to the bridge position and hold it for minimum two seconds.

Mountain Climber

Well last but not the least here your goal in this exercise is to keep the upper body moving and driving the knees as you increase your heart rate and the core engagement. You could feel the work taking place on the core and upper back.

How to do it

From a push up position keep the abs engaged to prevent our low back from arching and your hips from sagging and rotating. Focus on your upper back as you push in to the floor through your hands. You should be flat from shoulders to your ankles. Drive one knee towards your chest stopping when the knee is right below your hip. Then quickly drive the knee back as you simultaneously bring the other knee forward. Continue to switch the knees quickly as you should feel as if you are running in the push up position.


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